Monday, October 10, 2011

Garden Clean-Up

Like all good things, gardens come to an end too.

But what a lovely day to do it!  Blue skies and puffy clouds...perfect fall weather!

It was a good year; eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, flowers, herbs, peppers, squash, corn...they all made it to the table.  And now, this is all that's left...

So now it's time to put the garden to rest for next spring.

But it's such a big job...

Honors Students to the rescue!!

What would we have done without them??
So many things to be done!

Collect what's left!

Do you see anything you want to take home?

Tomatoes, perhaps?

Tear down anything that moves!

Pull what you can...we don't want to see those weeds growing next year!

Got tomatoes?

Where should we put this stuff?
We can't throw it away...

Got it covered; we're building compost bins!
First we'll dig the holes and set the stakes.

Is that sledgehammer big enough to handle the job?  How about the ladies wielding it?  Be careful; you don't want to miss!

Then we'll put up fencing to keep it all inside...

And fill it to the brim!

We'd be lost without our volunteers...

And Wayne's truck, for that matter...

Isn't it amazing how a small group of strangers can come together and get so many things done?

Time for socializing!

And goofing around..."American Gothic" style!

And for having pictures taken with people we won't see for awhile!

With only a few lone tomatoes left behind...

Our garden rests quietly until Spring.

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