Thursday, June 30, 2011

How does your garden grow?

So now we wait...

Wait for the plants to grow...

to climb...

to flower...

WAIT!  A tomato!!  I'm sure that will taste AMAZING in a few weeks...

Everything's growing so strong, so happy in the summer sun.

Especially my onions!!  Stir-fry, anyone?  I'm going to have to thin them out soon, or they'll not grow as big as I need them to be for winter storage...

Though it's kind of hard to think about winter now...not while everything's so warm and green.

And then I get wonderful neighbors can't take care of their plot anymore!  I contact the managers; can I grow squash there, or is it already too late?

They say I can.

So I race the sun to remove the weeds, plant the seeds, and mulch.  I end up finishing by the light of the fireflies.

Soon I'll have a squash patch!

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