Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Garage Gardening VIDEO

Hello from the garage garden!!!

We took a video of the system we use in our garage garden!  You get to see me summarizing the varieties we're growing inside our garage, and some of the techniques we use to keep them happy...like our timed fluorescent lights and automatic watering system.  

This video was taken in late April...at the almost middle-to-the-end of an unusually wet, blustery, and COLD Indiana spring.  Our plants had to be kept inside much longer than we anticipated...and later became quite "leggy" as a result.

Thanks for watching!  Now that the weather has FINALLY warmed up, the plants are happily transplanted outside.  More about that in the next few weeks as I have time.

This is what the tomatoes looked like at the beginning:

And then...what they looked like when we started to get them ready for the Great Outdoors...I'd say our system worked!!!  (Too well, perhaps?)